Friday, October 7, 2011

1st Anniversary Cruise

We got a home a few weeks ago but this is the first chance I've had to finally blog about it. For our first anniversary we decided to do a cruise because neither us had been on one, it was such a blast! It was a 6 day cruise with stops in Key West, Grand Cayman, and Ocho Rio Jamaica.

9.19.2011 Key West was our first stop. I think it was my favorite out of the 3, I know it's weird because its still the U.S. so you wouldn't think its anything special but I'm guessing that is why I loved it lol. We got the chance to go on a Jet Ski tour around Key West, Clayton drove of course, and I think I only yelled at him for scarring me 2 or 3 times so I did pretty good :). It was so beautiful! I don't think a California Beach is ever going to be good enough for me anymore!

9.21.11 Grand Cayman was day three of our Cruise, We decided while we were here we really wanted to try something we hadn't before. There was a lady as soon as we got to the dock that was selling an excursion for stingray city and snorkeling for half the price it was going through our cruise ship so we decided to do it.

The Snorkeling was really fun. The water is so clear and we were able to see so much more then I thought we were going to be able to!

Stingray City

 Our guide had everyone, when they held the stingray, kiss it. They say it brings you 7 years of good luck.... I think they just more like watching people actually do it :)

9.22.11 Jamaica was our last stop, I had been pretty well warned before what to expect lol. Besides the extremely pushy merchants though it is a really beautiful place and tons of fun!

 They had huge bugs and geckos everywhere!
 Bobsled/Swimming Pool: We took a chairlift ride up to a bobsled roller-coaster and swimming pool. When we got to the top this guy was there playing so I wanted a picture.
 Bobsled Roller-coaster

Dunn's River Falls: When we signed up for this I was assuming you hiked to a waterfall but you actually hike UP the waterfall. We both made it out with only a few bruises ha ha.

The 22nd was also our anniversary so we went to the Steakhouse Restaurant they had on the ship.It was amazing and looked so pretty I felt guilty eating it!

Most nights when they came in to clean again and pull back the sheets they would leave towel animals. Clayton was so excited about the duck because it was the dead chicken modified a little ha ha.  


The shows were so much fun and so good! I think I probably enjoyed them a little more then Clayton because of the musical aspect. We weren't allowed to take any pictures while they were going on so I had to settle for just a picture of the theater. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Down The Road...A Step and A Half

I haven't posted anything since we got married because I was waiting to have pictures to post as well but its almost 5 months later and still no pictures so I figured I better just post anyways without any, and now I am sitting up unable to sleep and its 3am so what better to do then to blog right?

It's so crazy how fast time flies! I feel like we've been married forever but at the same time that we were engaged just a week ago, and so far being married is way better then being single :). I think sometimes it's good for everyone to scare you about getting married because then you expect the worse and are pleasantly surprised when its completely amazing ha ha. Ok I know 5 months isn't enough time to really say that but honestly its one of those things that it's everything you hope for but at the same time nothing you had expected.

Being in St. George without family or friends near by has been a learning experience. I think it was something I definitely needed. I have learned to rely so much more on him then I think I ever would have otherwise. Not to say there aren't times I just want to force him to move back up north, but I'm glad I have the opportunity, and 60 degrees in January/February isn't so bad either :)

October was spent with him working and me mostly looking for work. I loved doing the stay at home wife thing and loved being able to have that month to just be in charge of  taking care of the apartment and making dinner but without kids it gets a little boring. The end of October I got a job that honestly was an amazing blessing for both of us. Considering St. George isn't the easiest place to find work. It started the end of November, the very week after his work ended for the season and came with day one benefits and full time work and couldn't have come at a better time. Every worry I had when we got married was taken care of in a matter of weeks its crazy how sometimes you really do just have to trust that things will work out.

We have started looking into buying a home and are hoping to be into one by the end of the year if everything goes accordingly (lol which it never does but we will see!) We have talked with a few realitors but no one we are extremely interested in working with but we will continue to look. So right now we are just focused on saving as much as possible and enjoying still being newly married :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


So I've been told by several people that once you get married its the traditional thing to start a blog so I guess I'm following the trend! It has only been a week but so far its been amazing :) We went to California for our honeymoon and had so much fun!Now we are back in St. George and getting back to normal life :)